Switching power supply and UPS solar power: switching power supply relativelinear power said he input directly to the AC into DC, then shakes the function of the circuit at high frequency, UPS solar power switch tube control the on-off of the electric current, the formation of high frequency pulse current. In theinductor (high frequency transformer) under the help of the low voltage DC power, solar power and switch power supply output stability of UPS. Because the core size and computer ups power supply his work frequency transformer is inversely proportional to the square of the smaller, higher frequency core. This can greatly reduce thetransformer, UPS of solar power. The power to reduce weight and volume. But due to its direct control of DC, UPS solar power so that the efficiency of this kind of power is much higher than the linear power supply. Switching power supply so as to save energy,ups solar power so it is favored by people. But it also has the disadvantages of complex circuit,industrial ups power supply is difficult to repair, switching power supply, circuit pollution. Power supply noise, not suitable for some low noise circuit.
UPS solar power system consists of solar batteries, computer UPS, off-line UPS UPS components. If the output power also need to configure the inverter. The role of the various parts: UPS inverter charger: Solar panel solar power system in the central part of the solar system, the highest part of the value. Role of the family office of UPS is to convert solar radiation to electrical energy, UPS solar power stored in batteries sent to, or promote the work load.